Ready for a little writing practice online?

Here are 10 new writing prompts online.

Combine several prompts each day to create a new short story and get a little writing practice in this week.

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For each written prompt there is also a visual prompt.

1. It was Gail’s first time in this city, and it was unlike anywhere she had ever been before.

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2. The light keeper and his family were never lonely, thanks to the other villagers who lived in the cottages at the base of the lighthouse.

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3. It was the perfect morning to go sailing.

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4. Humans…they can be so annoying, thought Boris the cat.

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5. Laura had never been on a cruise before.

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6. Venice was Adam’s favorite city in the world, and he was glad to be back.

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7. “Megan,” said Brad, “I have something to tell you.”

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8. As soon as the plane lifted into the air, Jennifer felt herself relax.

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9. “Welcome to Santorini,” said Franco.

 | Try These for a Little Writing Practice Online

10. Lily had come to this foreign city to study music.

For more creative writing practice, get 101 Creative Writing Prompts.

Click here for more writing prompts online.

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 | Try These for a Little Writing Practice Online

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