| Writing Prompts for AnyoneHere are 10 writing prompts for anyone.

beach house drawing as a writing prompt

  1. Every morning she sat in her favorite rocker, on her screened in porch that faced the ocean.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone2. Marcus felt funny


2 man fishing boat as a writing prompt

3. Marcus and George hunkered down to stay put during the hurricane.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone

4. Lindsay was hoping for twins. But triplets? She wasn’t so sure about that.

scottish bog as a writing prompt

5. Jordan’s stepfather was not a nice man.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone

6. The eye of the storm had just passed.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone

7. Susan felt much hotter than the day before.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone

8. Jennifer gulped when she noticed her engagement ring was no longer on her finger.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone

9. The guest list was trimmed down to twenty from one hundred.

 | Writing Prompts for Anyone10. The water was much colder than he thought it would be.

Use these captions to spark a story idea. Maybe the pictures themselves will be the germ of an idea for story. Just maybe these captions and pictures mightl help you get started on the blank page.

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 | Writing Prompts for Anyone

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