by Sarah Flores

If you are to do your best writing, it should be in a comfortable workspace that nurtures your creativity.

Here are 5 ways to create a motivational writing space in your writer’s office.

motivational writing space

1. Keep it clean.

motivational writing space

Your writing space is your sanctuary.

Dust. Vacuum. Get rid of anything that doesn’t belong or is taking up room.

You’re a writer, and hey, you’re messy when you get creative.

You have books, papers, and chicken-scratched Post-It Notes scattered everywhere.

Put those things in a neat pile.

They’ll still be there when you search for them later.

Focus on getting the simple things tidied up and organized.

A messy workspace can create chaos in your mind and drain your creativity.

Cleanliness and organization will bring some peace to your space, and to your mind.

2. Find a quote.

motivational writing quote

Spend a few minutes on Google and search for motivational quotes.

You know, something like “Motivational Quotes” or “Quotes about Writing” might work.

Find one that makes you want to do better every day, something that’ll make you want to kick your own butt each time you read it.

Print it out and stick it on the wall where you’ll see it every time you begin writing.

Read it before you do anything else.

Get that message inside of you.

3. Writing a novel? Turn your space into your project.

Get a corkboard and pin pictures that motivate you and encourage the mood of your story.

Are your characters having a romance in the 1800s centered around an old, dilapidated cabin?

old cabin

Find pictures of a cabin and wheat fields, or stills from old romance movies.

Let Gone with the Wind cover your walls.

Search online or in old magazines for pictures of what you imagine each character to look like.

Pin them to your corkboard.

When you get stuck, take a look at the characters and ask them questions.

What would they say, or how would they react to the situation you’ve put them in?

Surround yourself with your story’s world, and you’ll find it easier to jump into the personality of each character.

4. Always have a snack available.

bowl of nuts

You know how you get when you’re hungry, and motivated doesn’t describe it.

5. Have Another Hobby Handy.

All writers have moments when they’re writing and it feels like their brain has hit a Do Not Enter sign.

Trying to push through those seemingly indestructible barriers can be frustrating.

Take a fifteen minute break and work on another hobby.

Love playing the guitar?

Keep it next to you for an emergency finger pickin’ break.

Love to draw?

Keep your drawing pad and pencils close by.

Crossword puzzles?

Keep Sunday’s puzzle ready (although Monday’s are much easier).

Spending a few minutes on another hobby will allow your mind to shift its focus so you’re motivated to ease back into your writing with a refreshed mind.

Plus, you’re squeezing in time for something else you enjoy.

Just as a chef wouldn’t cook his best meal in a dirty kitchen, you won’t be motivated to do your best writing in an unappealing space.

Clean up your area, adorn your walls with inspirational pictures and quotes, give your attention the occasional break, and write with a vibrant and focused mind.

About Sarah Flores
Sarah Flores is a freelance writer and editor who writes articles for a number of online and print publications.

Visit Sarah’s website at:

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writing space

writing space

space that motivates you to write

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  1. Thank you, ladies. Perhaps the snack tip should’ve been number one. I guess we all know how we get when we’re hungry. 😉

  2. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips on keeping your writing space motivational. Number 4 is a great one. This way you don’t have to stop to get up and find something to eat, which may disturb your motivation flow. 🙂

  3. Very motivating article, Sarah. I love the idea of putting up pictures of your characters and scenes on a corkboard. I’m definitely going to do that.

  4. Cheryl Mansfield says:

    Great post, Sarah. I enjoyed your tips.

  5. Patricia Bumpass says:

    Great article Sarah. Very well thought out and written. I love your idea about having a snack handy as well as having another hobby close by when you need to take a quick break from your writing.

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