by Suzanne Lieurance

April writing challenge

Each month we offer a different writing challenge designed to help you start taking small, consistent actions so you become the writer you’ve always wanted to be.

Many of these challenges will also help you if you’re an author and want to build your readership.

This month’s challenge is all about learning how to write for magazines.

Here is your assignment (should you choose to accept it).

April Writing Challenge – How to Write for Magazines

Writing for magazines is a great way to build your credibility and visibility as a writer as well as earn some income.

The trick is to start with smaller local and regional publications and work your way up to the slick, glossy, national and international publications.

Whether you’ve written for magazines before, are currently submitting to several publications each month, or you’ve never written for a magazine yet, I hope you will take advantage of this month’s challenge.

Here’s the challenge:

1. Find at least one magazine market that you have never written for before but would like to.

2. Go online and find the submissions guidelines for this publication (at the magazines’ website), and study them carefully.

3. Try to find back issues, as well as the current issue, of this publication (check your local library for back issues or you may find some back issues available at the website). Read each of these issues to see what topics have been covered in articles within the last 6 months or so. Also, study each issue to get a better feel for the style and tone of this publication.

4. Read this article with tips for writing a magazine query:

5. Come up with an idea for an article for the publication you have selected and write a query. Send it to the appropriate editor (you should find this information in the submissions guidelines).

That’s it.

Try it!

P.S. If you want to learn all the steps to consistently writing for magazines, check out the self-study e-course, How to Write for Magazines.

Other writing challenges here.

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