Use these new story starters for a little creative writing practice this week.

Creative Writing This Week

Monday’s Prompt: The Time Auction

In a near-future society, time is the only currency.

People auction off minutes, hours, even years of their lives to get what they need.

Your character attends a high-stakes auction and makes a desperate bid that changes everything.

Tuesday’s Prompt: The Wrong Memories

Your character wakes up with vivid memories of a life they never lived—complete with a spouse, a job, and a past they don’t recognize.

No one else remembers it… but someone wants them to forget.

Wednesday’s Prompt: The Island of Misfit Professions

A quirky island is home to people who were fired for being “too odd” at their previous jobs—psychic accountants, singing surgeons, and poets who write traffic reports.

Your main character just washed ashore.

Thursday’s Prompt: The Kindness Loop

Your character performs a small act of kindness that loops back in a bizarre, magical way—every time they help someone, something good happens… but only if they don’t expect it.

Friday’s Prompt: One Rule Only

Your character joins a community that has only one rule—break it, and you’re out forever.

No one will tell them what the rule is.

They have to figure it out… before they make a mistake.

Saturday’s Prompt: The Art Dealer’s Secret

A rising artist’s work starts selling for millions overnight.

Your character, a struggling painter, discovers the secret behind the sudden fame—one that could make them rich or ruin everything.

Sunday’s Prompt: Delivery to the Past

Your character gets a job delivering packages to unusual clients—each one located in a different era of the past.

One day, they open a parcel meant for delivery… and it’s addressed to them.

Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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